Outdoor |Fall in love with the stunning hills and villages of Langhe exploring the area with an e-bike
DETAILSSpesso dimenticate, le province di Novara e Vercelli vi regaleranno inaspettate sorprese: eleganti centri storici, imponenti abbazie, la bassa pianura con distese d’acqua coltivate a risaie, intervallate da case coloniche, boschi, canali e fiumi con alzaie ciclabili. Dalle risaie alle colline dove è tutto un saliscendi di vigneti e un’enogastronomia golosa e tentatrice.
Fall in love with the stunning hills and villages of Langhe exploring the area with an e-bike
DETAILSVisit of a cheese factory and cheese tasting in Alta Langa
DETAILSA trekking with a naturalistic guide to explore the territory of production of Barolo wine
DETAILSThe best way to celebrate the beginning of a new year. A classic "cenone" - the big dinner - with music and an overnight stay in a hotel between Langhe and Roero, paired with a short tour of the area and a wine tasting.
DETAILSExperience the italian mood of "bella vita" with a picnic in the vineyards! After a guided tour through Moscato rows, a visit of the cellar and a tasting of 5 wines, you will enjoy an outdoor picnic in the middle of Monferrato nature. Wine, food and vineyards...Simply the best.
DETAILSOne of the experiences that is going for the most. A "role-playing game" based on the simulation of military combat techniques.
Experience only for groups MINIMUM 10 people - MAXIMUM 15 people
After a guide tour to Neive, one of the most beautiful village of Italy, you will taste 3 glasses of wine.
DETAILSA great experience for those looking for a fun and colorful challenge!
DETAILSA walking tour to better understand the baroc, eclectic and uncommon town. Final stop in a hystorical cellar for a three wines tasting paired with a selection of local products
DETAILSLive entirely the italian mood of bella vita by enjoyng a picnic in the vineyards! After a guided tour through rows, in the cellar and a tasting of 5 wines, you will live the authentic experience of an italian oudoor picnic in the middle of LANGHE nature! Wine, food and vineyards...what's better?
DETAILSItinerant storytelling in the legendary wine cellars of Canelli, with lunch or dinner
What time-honoured secrets are hidden in the charming historic Underground Cathedrals of Bosca, Coppo and Contratto?
Our Storymovers will take you on a walk into the past and evoke the events that have affected the town of Canelli since 1613, walking through the cellars where fine Metodo Classico sparkling wines and excellent reds are produced.
Thousands of bottles rest in these monuments carved out of sandstone, a UNESCO heritage site since 2014.
You will discover the secrets of bottle fermentation listen to the sounds of remuage and hear the stories of those who made Canelli and its sparkling wines famous all over the world.
Finally, you will end the experience with a mouth-watering lunch or dinner paired with 3 wines from the cellars, at the Osteria where the tour began.
A nice open air Sunday for the whole family among hills covered with vineyards, woods and small villages with the convenience of the e-bike. A day to spend with a small group of participants with a local licensed cycling tour guide.
DETAILSFew kilometres far from Alba, Turin and Asti and surrounded by the scents and colours of Roero vineyards, the resort is an oasis of wellness for those who want to treat themselves to dream moments.
The resort is situated in the middle of ROERO Region, on one of the hills that look at Langhe-Roero-Monferrato, awarded Unesco World Heritage Site and offers the comfort of 17 rooms, the SPA Wellness Centre – among the most prestigious in Piedmont, the restaurant where to enjoy the local products and the cosy corner bar. Elegance embraces nature and relax, for the wellness of the body and the mind.
A journey in the Barbera expressions.
Through an in-depth visit that starts with the explanation of the vineyards that go through the history of the winery, you will discover all the Barbera secrets!
Questa formula vi darà la possibilità di alloggiare, ad un prezzo molto interessante, in strutture SEMPLICI con colazione e standard qualitativi certificati INCOMING PIEMONTE. In abbinamento una cena in trattoria o agriturismo (menù degustazione, bevande escluse).
2 notti con colazione + 1 cena lungo la Strada Romantica
Ad ogni tappa abbiamo pensato ad un’esperienza tutta per voi. Costruite e personalizzate il vostro viaggio, da vivere rigorosamente in coppia, lungo la Strada Romantica. Aprite i DETTAGLI e fate la vostra scelta!!
An art park located in the landscape of Alta Langa, a relationship between nature and artifice, research space for many artists where they can express themselves
DETAILSThis activity includes a 3-hour cooking workshop on traditional Piedmontese cuisine, followed by a 4-course lunch or dinner.
DETAILSUNESCO hills and vineyards, one of the most beautiful towns in Italy, riding a Bike!
DETAILSUNESCO hills and vineyards - Bike Tour
DETAILSThis activity includes a 3-hour cooking workshop, followed by a 4-course lunch or dinner.
DETAILSA delicious walk to discover his majesty the chocolate, king of TURIN
DETAILSAn itinerary to dicover the territory of Acqui Terme with amazing landscape and nice wine. Acqui Terme is a spa town of Roman age and with a city center full of wine shops and local products.
The second stop is Alice Bel Colle, a little village surrounded by vineyard. The last stop to Morsasco in a local restaurant to taste wine and food.
Do you want to taste wines on terrace with view on Vineyard Landscape and Neive village?
Vineyards surround the farm that will welcome you with 3 glasses of wine.
The atmosphere will make the landscape and view on Neive, one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, suggestive.
This activity includes a 3-hour cooking workshop on traditional Piedmontese fresh pasta, followed by a light lunch or dinner.
DETAILSQuesta formula vi darà la possibilità di alloggiare, ad un prezzo molto interessante, in strutture PIÙ CURATE e con MAGGIORE COMFORT rispetto alla PROPOSTA ROMANTICA con colazione e standard qualitativi certificati INCOMING PIEMONTE. In abbinamento una cena in ristorante di charme (menù degustazione, bevande escluse).
2 notti con colazione + 1 cena lungo la Strada Romantica
Ad ogni tappa abbiamo pensato ad un’esperienza tutta per voi. Costruite e personalizzate il vostro viaggio, da vivere rigorosamente in coppia, lungo la Strada Romantica. Aprite i DETTAGLI e fate la vostra scelta!!
This activity includes a 2-hour course on fermentation, followed by a light lunch or dinner
DETAILSA day in Valle Grana: trekking and cheese.
DETAILSA tasting dedicated to lovers of this sweet wine masterfully produced by our Gianni
DETAILSThis activity includes a 1.5-hour yoga practice - Hatha or Vinyasa - suitable for all particpants, a 1-hour plant-based or vegetarian cooking workshop, followed by a light lunch or dinner.
DETAILSWe are in the Langhe, one of the most famous wine districts in the world, and more precisely in the Barbaresco area. NEIVE is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy. Its extraordinary historic will amaze you with its palaces and churches with an ancient history.
DETAILSPernottamento in un centro benessere, accesso alla Spa e cestino per pic nic da consumare lungo uno dei sentieri segnalati dalla Strada Romantica delle Langhe e del Roero.
DETAILSIl primo Wine Mistery Game ambientato a Neive - Powered by 2 Nerd Al Museo
Nella Neive di metà Ottocento Louis Oudart, sopraffino enologo francese, viene chiamato a occuparsi delle vigne del borgo.
L'obiettivo di Oudart è ambizioso: utilizzare le uve neivesi per produrre un nuovo tipo di vino che possa conquistare la Medaglia d'Oro all'Esposizione Universale del 1862, ma non ha fatto i conti con un rivale che cercherà di mettergli i bastoni tra le ruote..
Accoglienza e incontro con l’istruttore di volo e preparazione per il volo in biposto in parapendio, che permetterà di vedere la pianura Cuneese spaziando dalle vette alte delle Alpi Marittime, al Monviso fino alle colline delle Langhe.
DETAILSThis activity includes a 3-hour baking workshop, followed by a light lunch or dinner with drinks included.
DETAILSWe are in the Langhe, one of the most famous wine districts in the world, and more precisely in the Barbaresco area. NEIVE is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy. Its extraordinary historic center will amaze you with its palaces and churches with an ancient history.
DETAILSThree days on Lake Maggiore
The Isole Borromee have fascinated for centuries. Visiting these marvellous locations on Lago Maggiore today is a gift that everyone can afford to treat themselves to. Living the exclusive experiences designed based on the requirements of every customer is a luxury for true connoisseurs.
We are in the Langhe, one of the most famous wine districts in the world, and more precisely in the Neive area, hills surround an historical cellar.
The farm's vineyards, grow up in a Core Zone of Vineyard Landscape of Langhe, Roero and Monferrato, gived them special products.
For sparkly wine's lover, we have think about 4 glasses of spumante.
Rental of fully-equipped space for private use.
€ 488,00 half day - 10:30 - 14:30/17:30 - 21:30
€ 854,00 full day - 10:00 - 18:00
Il formaggio Castelmagno viene prodotto in Valle Grana, in provincia di Cuneo, esclusivamente nei Comuni di Monterosso Grana, Pradleves e Castelmagno. Ha origini antichissime: il primo documento ad attestare l’esistenza di un “cacio” particolarmente buono risale al 1277 attribuito al Marchese di Saluzzo.
DETAILSWill you marry me?
For special occasion is important to have a location that (acts as a frame) at this romantic moment, which share remembers, promises and emotion.
We suggest you Neive, with the Clock Tower is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy .
On the top you'll admire the view on the UNESCO World Heritage vineyards landscape of the Langhe, Roero and Monferrato with an original atmosphere thanks to beautiful place.
Celebrate your birthday in an alternative way and with a lot of fun guaranteed.
Activity available to children aged 7 and over and only on weekends.
In your voice is a participatory sound artwork created by Elena Pugliese with the inhabitants of Neive. The visitor climbs
the Tower of Neive and through headphones is accompanied by the warnings of the community. When he reaches the top, he can lose himself in the distance without feeling lost.
Duration: 3' 50'' | Curator Francesca Comisso - a.titolo | Voices: Elena Pugliese, inhabitants of Neive | Text, audio composition: Elena Pugliese | Sound: Roberto Farano | Audio recording: Marco Saracca | Audio recording landscape and town sound: Elena Pugliese
Special project Tower of Neive thanks to Comune di Neive and Painting srl
ONLINE VOUCHER "A present for you... MONFORTE", one of the most beautiful village in Italy
DETAILSGo through the wood to find the Truffle, white or black, is one of the most experience in the territory of Langhe, Roero and Monferrato. Our “Trifulau” (truffle finder), give the possibility to participate at this amazing experience.
The journey will keep on in cellar with wine tasting and local products.
ONLINE VOUCHER "Ti Regalo NEIVE", uno dei Borghi più belli d'Italia!
DETAILSDriving a Vespa is 100% outdoor and italian style: fresh air, freedom and great landscapes
DETAILSWalking through the woods searching for the black or the white Truffle, it is certainly one of the most intense and exciting experiences that the Langhe, Monferrato and Roero area can offer. Our "Trifulau" (Truffle Hunter), specialized in this type of activity for over than 10 years, offers you the opportunity to follow his footsteps and discover the greatest surprise of the heart
DETAILSDo you want to know piedmontese cooking?
Nonna Rina will show you how prepare an importan and excellent piedmontese pasta, the Tajarin.
From preparation to consumption steps of tajarin, it will serve 4 glasses of wine.
Like the past, you will eat a plate as grandmother prepared.
Live the experience of an Italian picnic, in the middle of nature in Langhe area. Wine and food outdoor. What else?
DETAILSPrendete del legno quassio, genzianella, china-china, centaura minore, sommità d’assenzio...” la ricetta del celebre cuoco Vialardi continua fra le strade e le piazze dove è nato il Vermouth! Il tour nella Torino dell'aperitivo per scoprire storia e curiosità legate al vino aromatizzato più famoso al mondo nella città di Carpano, Martini e Cinzano!
DETAILSLa zona delle Langhe offre esperienze e dinamiche ideali per l'organizzazione e la gestione di un Team Building.
Il lavoro di squadra, la cooperazione e il divertimento sono gli aspetti fondamentali che stanno alla base delle nostre proposte come attività outdoor, team cooking e giochi di ruolo.
A walking tour in the capital of the Savoys with a gourmet stop
DETAILSSan Salvario is a must-visit for people want to discover Turin.
DETAILSWould you have ever imagined that Turin, such a rigorous and orderly city, could hide a sensual and dissolute soul?
DETAILSTo understand Torino at 100% you have to visit one of the bigger market of Europe: PORTA PALAZZO
DETAILSIn this horizontal tasting of Barolo and Barbaresco you will taste 2 types of exceptional wines.
From Nebbiolo come 2 wines: Barolo and Barbaresco, both D.O.C.G. considered unique and among the best in the world.
Fra le colline piemontesi crescono rigogliose le nocciole IGP, quelle definite “tonde e gentili”, piante allineate che creano spazi ombrosi e sotto i loro rami c’è spazio per un grazioso picnic con ingredienti speciali.
DETAILSA day of fly fishing amidst enchanting landscapes, in a breathtaking mountain environment where culture and traditions typical of the Italian Alps are the essential components to make customers live a unique and extraordinary experience.
DETAILSExplore Langhe and Roero by a vintage Vespa!
You will be able to choose different itineraries that cross the beautiful Unesco hills and some authentic, charming villages in the area.
Live the experience of an italian pic nic, in the middle of nature in Langhe area. Wine and food outdoor. What else of better?
DETAILSFor wine lover visit and vertical tasting of Barolo D.O.C.G. of same vineyard, but with 4 different years of production till 2005. An sensorial experience to know the part gustative and olfactive of wine.
DETAILSIs your best friend's wedding approaching and you've been given the daunting task of organizing her hen party? You don't have time to dedicate to organizing the party? Incoming Piemonte comes to your rescue with an infinity of original and goliardic ideas, which will guarantee fun and entertainment for the guests.
Piedmont and more specifically the LANGHE are the ideal destination for an unforgettable hen party.
Contact us!!
Two days to taste wines among Vineyard Landscape of Unesco that since 2014 are into World Heitage Site. We think how is interesting for wine lover to know the different types of wine with DOCG designation and improve the knowledge about the characteristic, metods and how it can be product.
DETAILSIs your best friend's wedding approaching and you've been given the daunting task of organizing his stag party? You don't have time to dedicate to organizing the party? Incoming Piemonte comes to your rescue with an infinity of original and goliardic ideas, which will guarantee fun and entertainment for the guests.
Piedmont and more specifically the LANGHE are the ideal destination for an unforgettable stag party.
Contact us!!
The positivites effect of a session of yoga into the nature.
DETAILSGo through the wood to find the Truffle, white or black, is one of the most experience in the territory of Langhe, Roero and Monferrato. Our “Trifulau” (truffle finder), give the possibility to participate at this amazing experience.
The journey will keep on in cellar with wine tasting and local products.
Walking through the woods searching for the black or the white Truffle, it is certainly one of the most intense and exciting experiences that the Langhe, Monferrato and Roero area can offer. Our "Trifulau" (Truffle Hunter), specialized in this type of activity for over than 10 years, offers you the opportunity to follow his footsteps and discover the greatest surprise of the heart
DETAILSIn Monferrato area, you can learn the technique of saffron cultivation. Silvio, will guide you trough a sensory experience among fields of this precious flower. The actvity will finish with a taste of saffron products.
DETAILSThe emotion of driving the icon of electric cars, a GREEN itinerary, to reach far or near destination, in eco-sustainable way.
DETAILSIn the lakes Piedmont zone, the hills surrounded a farm ready to welcome you showing the cellar and telling you the metods of wine.
The wine tasting included traditional plates, fresh products and artigial food.
Come to visit the area of hazelnut I.G.P. of Langhe with a special adventure.
You can see the process of trasformation of hazelnut in the laboratory.
The tasting will be with a many products of hazelnut.
What's better than a little break in the vineyard eating chesses and salamis and drinking Moscato d'Asti?
DETAILSDriving a Vespa is 100% outdoor and italian style: fresh air, freedom and great landscapes
DETAILSIndividual tour to discover the local place for the cheese production.
DETAILSTwo days in Valle Grana, with the visit to Castelmagno an important little village for land of pastures, trekking and for the king of cheese.
DETAILSHave you always dreamed of participating in the harvest, but have never found the right opportunity? Finally you will have the chance to make this dream come true, no more excuses, all in the rows !!
DETAILSWith this SELF DRIVE we will try to make you discover the Piedmontese villages. We will take you to the discovery of the Lakes district, passing through the Torinesi and Cuneo mountains, concluding with a delicious stop in the hills of Langhe and Monferrato.
DETAILSIf you love outdoor sports, RAFTING is an exciting activity to be experienced alone, with friends, as a couple or with your family. Our mountains are the ideal place for this sport.
DETAILSWe suggest you a tipic piedmontese lunch in a beautiful location in Langhe area. Langa of Barolo or Langa of Barbaresco, what is your choice?
DETAILSAd accompagnarvi in questa romantica ed esclusiva esperienza le voci narranti di storie, tradizioni e curiosità su Langhe, Monferrato e Roero. Giunti a destinazione, l’esperienza si fa immersiva e con personale qualificato scoprirete la quotidianità, i tesori nascosti o l’essenza stessa della festa di paese che si fa evento e che vi ha portato fino a qui. Giornata imperdibile ed unica sia che amiate la natura, la gastronomia o le attività all’aria aperta.
DETAILSUn tour inedito per chi ama la natura e lo sport. Un bel itinerario da percorrere in bicicletta tra le risaie del Vercellese
DETAILSBetween the province of Asti and Cuneo, in the heart of the territory describes by Cesare Pavese, we find CANELLI, capital of sparkling wine.
DETAILSA day to discover the wonderful islands of Lake Maggiore
The Isole Borromee have fascinated for centuries. Visiting these marvellous locations on Lago Maggiore today is a gift that everyone can afford to treat themselves to. Living the exclusive experiences designed based on the requirements of every customer is a luxury for true connoisseurs.
Three days in the border of Piedmont and Ligura, where from Appennini mountain see the sea. Discover the ancient roman city Libarna with archaeological excavations and 2 types of wine: Gavi D.O.C.G. and Timorasso.
DETAILSWeek end full of culture, wine, food and an experience of truffle hunt.
DETAILSAn unforgettable romantic weekend among the UNESCO hills.
DETAILSEveryone with their noses down!
Treat yourself to a breathtaking experience aboard a balloon on the UNESCO Wine Landscapes.
An unforgettable weekend in one of the greatest wine and food region in Italy.
DETAILSThose who expect a gray city, still tied to its industrial past, will be amazed to see how Turin has been able to renew itself. The tour ends with a SURPRISING VIEW!
DETAILSA special romantic weekend with two overnights on Orta Lake. Spend three days in one of the top apartments of a historical villa facing the great environment of the lake.
DETAILSThe programme includes several activities with donkeys, horses, archery and tibetan bridge ad free time to spend in the farm.
DETAILSLet's party with your friends for a great birthday! Special program for group from 10 people.
DETAILSThe winery is sourrounded by the hills near to the borders between Langhe and Monferrato and it is run directly by the owners. They'll guide you through a classic tasting and tour of the winery.