Tour | Appointments |
***SOLD OUT***
The best way to celebrate the beginning of a new year. A classic "cenone" - the big dinner - with music and an overnight stay in a hotel between Langhe and Roero, paired with a short tour of the area and a wine tasting.
Tour | Outdoor | Appointments |
Il primo Wine Mistery Game ambientato a Neive - Powered by 2 Nerd Al Museo
Nella Neive di metà Ottocento Louis Oudart, sopraffino enologo francese, viene chiamato a occuparsi delle vigne del borgo.
L'obiettivo di Oudart è ambizioso: utilizzare le uve neivesi per produrre un nuovo tipo di vino che possa conquistare la Medaglia d'Oro all'Esposizione Universale del 1862, ma non ha fatto i conti con un rivale che cercherà di mettergli i bastoni tra le ruote..
Appointments |
Will you marry me?
For special occasion is important to have a location that (acts as a frame) at this romantic moment, which share remembers, promises and emotion.
We suggest you Neive, with the Clock Tower is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy .
On the top you'll admire the view on the UNESCO World Heritage vineyards landscape of the Langhe, Roero and Monferrato with an original atmosphere thanks to beautiful place.
Total Relax | Appointments |
Is your best friend's wedding approaching and you've been given the daunting task of organizing her hen party? You don't have time to dedicate to organizing the party? Incoming Piemonte comes to your rescue with an infinity of original and goliardic ideas, which will guarantee fun and entertainment for the guests.
Piedmont and more specifically the LANGHE are the ideal destination for an unforgettable hen party.
Contact us!!
Total Relax | Appointments |
Is your best friend's wedding approaching and you've been given the daunting task of organizing his stag party? You don't have time to dedicate to organizing the party? Incoming Piemonte comes to your rescue with an infinity of original and goliardic ideas, which will guarantee fun and entertainment for the guests.
Piedmont and more specifically the LANGHE are the ideal destination for an unforgettable stag party.
Contact us!!
Outdoor | Appointments |
The positivites effect of a session of yoga into the nature.
TASTINGS | Appointments |
Have you always dreamed of participating in the grapes harvest, but have never found the right opportunity? Finally you will have the chance to make this dream come true, no more excuses, let's go work in the vineyards!
Family | Outdoor | Appointments |
Let's party with your friends for a great birthday! Special program for group from 10 people.